This year that point in the season has arrived early and so if you are one of the millions of people who's home suffers from excess moisture now is proabably a good time to get a few tips on choosing the right dehumidifier for you.
A well chosen dehumidifier can definitely be the quickest way of removing the excess moisture from your house ( or garage, caravan, shed etc) and you needn't pay through the nose to get a good machine - if your careful.
If you search the internet you will soon become amazed at the sheer number of different machines that have flooded the UK market already and many of them seem to be very cheap. With dehumidifiers though, you really do get what you pay for.
Most sub £150 dehumidifiers ( and some more expensive ones too ) tend to be 'here today gone tomorrow' models which are bought in by retailers as a stack 'em high sell 'em cheap product. On the face of it, you the consumer would seem to benefit from the initial cheap prices, but the difficulties come later.
Usually these machines will last for around a year at most ( just about as long as your warranty ) and then when they do eventually go 'pop' you are left high and 'dry' - pardon the pun, with no way of getting a replacement or spares because that was 'last years model' and is no longer manufactured!
So it pays to call and ask the retailer for advice as to which units are suitable for your specific problem and at the same time ask them to confirm that spares/repairs will be available for that model in the years to come.
We have purposely put together a small selection of home dehumidifiers this year which are all proven for reliability and offer a sensible choice at good value for money.
Top Dog?
The top dogs of the dehumidifier world are generally recognised as being either of the two Mitsubishi models. These have rock solid relaibility and are very quiet in operation.
Best Value?
The PDEH202o is a powerful home dehumidifier with proven reliability over the last 3 years and is as good as you will get for this kind of outlay.
All the dehumidifiers are fairly small, but the tiniest has to be the Little Gem which is perfect for cupboards and drawers etc.
Click here to view all our home dehumidifiers or call 01207 507444 for some good old fashioned 'person to person' advice!
Good Luck.